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Seamlessly Secure Your Investment Home

We’re super excited to announce a redesign of our Deposit Dashboard, a host of new features, functionality, and more.

The article below will highlight new functionalities to help you navigate the dashboard and use it to your advantage.

Before we continue, we wanted to give many thanks for the gracious feedback, feature requests and bug fixes provided. This new dashboard is thanks to all of you, who helped ideate what our Deposits page could be and how it will best serve our Doorvestors.

New Functionality

You can read more about the design and ideation process below, but first, let’s cover what functionality has been added! We’ll cover the page from the top-down.

New Deposits

A small feature many repeat customers asked for was the ability to submit a new deposit directly from within their portal. And now you have it!

Deposit Tracker

At the top of the page, you’ll find your Deposit Tracker, a way for you to track where you are in the Doorvest Journey from Deposit Received to Home Closed.

At each stage, you’ll be able to see the action required for you to complete to move on to the next step such as signing contracts, uploading documents, and more.

If you are a power user purchasing multiple homes (and thus have multiple deposits), you’ll slide left and right to select the deposit you would like to view. Each deposit is treated separately, and each deposit can have its own home preferences.

Deposit Preferences

Right below your action items (if any) and Deposit Tracker, you’ll find your Deposit Preferences. These preferences are automatically brought in when you submit your Customize Your Home and create an account with us.

Moreover, you’ll now be able to click Update Preferences to go back to change your preferences to be more in line with what you’re looking for. You’ll be able to update various criteria like:

  • Requested Purchase Price

  • Investment Approach

  • Financing Type

  • Markets

  • and more!

Available Homes

With Doorvest and the addition of DoorMatch, our proprietary home-to-user matching system, you’ll begin to receive homes soon after submitting your deposit. Read more about DoorMatch here.

These homes will show up as Home Profile Cards. These cards will give you a summary of key details about a home like rent, cash-on-cash return, and price. You’ll also be able to ‘Like’ and ‘Dislike’ homes, which is covered in our Home Feedback article here.

Looking for more than just summary details? You can click on each card to view the full Home Profile. Like before, Home Profiles include all advanced financial details, summaries and renovation details inputted by our Client Partner team, as well as our Doorvest Neighborhood Score.

One feature not on this page, but that you’ll find in your Settings, is the ability to turn off Available Homes emails. If you’re planning to log into your portal to view homes regularly and want to get rid of the email clutter, adjust your Available Homes email preferences to your liking.

Home Reserved Details

If you’ve found your perfect home, reserved it, you’ll see your Deposit Dashboard dynamically change.

It’ll now reflect a map of where your home is located, show you a summary item list of details from the home profile, and provide you a button to view the full Home Profile.

Note: After reserving a home, you’ll no longer receive new Home Profiles to view. You must submit a new deposit to continue to receive new Home Profiles.

The Product, Design, and Engineering Process

Our design process always starts with, “what problem(s) are we trying to solve?” And that’s where your feedback comes in. Asking for feature requests, providing feedback for our team, and giving suggestions for improvements are a foundational component to our design process. We review everything provided by you, our Doorvestors, and our internal team members!

Available Homes Cards

In this case, many customers were asking for more features surrounding receiving homes and buying more homes. It was crucial for our team to think critically about how users receive their Home Profiles and how they could use multiple deposits to their advantage. This served as the foundation for the creation of the Home Profile Cards and DoorMatch.

We also surveyed many customers on what key numbers were most important to them to decide what to put onto the limited space of each card.

Deposit Preferences

Another key feature of highlight was the ability to adjust Deposit Preferences. Many users often found that their preferences change during their buying process as they became more educated about real estate investing through their dedicated Client Partner. Other times, their investment plans would change and they wanted to buy a more or less expensive rental home.

In short…

Doorvest new Deposit Dashboard welcomes changes that will improve the customer experience. If you haven’t signed up, get started now to experience your own dashboard.

At Doorvest, The Door Is Always Open for constructive feedback, suggestions and bug reports that will be incorporated into actionable items that will improve our customer experience. If you have any feature request, let us know here, or email our Product Manager, Justin, directly here.


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